Sunday, February 21, 2016

SPS Tui’s Enviro Group Welcome Pare Bennett

On Thursday 11th 2016, Stratford Primary School welcomed Pare Bennett, our new Enviroschools facilitator.  Pare Bennett was called on to our school grounds with a Karanga lead by Jade and supported by Chrissy.

Ella and Masyn took Pare for a tour around our school environment and explained to her about the enviro projects we have been busy working on. Pare was impressed with our gardens, herbs and our magnificent sunflowers. Afterwards we went to the staff room to share some kai.

 The stakes are high as SPS Tui’s enviro group have started the reflection progress working towards Silver Enviroschools status. It was a really enjoyable day and we look forward to Pare’s next visit.

Written by: Toni Cameron and Tarin Nicholas 

Fish Pond Garden Make Over

Finalizing the plan for the fish pond makeover watch this space for more updates.